Some funny questions about the moon…

People are not interested in the moon. The moon is the only natural satellite and the only astronomical object on earth that people have traveled to and on whose surface humans have landed. Sharing some interesting questions about this moon with you today...

Although the sun is many times smaller in size, how does the moon cover the sun completely when it is taken?

The moon is much smaller than the sun, it is well known to everyone. But it can be seen that the sun is completely covered by the sun during the solar eclipse. How is it possible to be smaller in size than the sun? What to take if the sun is much larger than the moon, but both the moon and the sun are the same size to look at the sky. Yes, in fact, the matter is just like that and it is a sudden occurrence. In fact, the diameter of the sun is 3 times larger than the moon, but the distance of the sun from the earth is about 4 times greater than the moon. Consequently, when viewed from Earth, the angular distance and diameter of the moon and the sun are equal. Therefore, the size of these two cosmic objects from Earth looks almost identical, which is absolutely coincidence.

If there were people on the moon, would they see the sunrise and sunset just like us?

We know that the earth revolves around the sun. Moreover, we see sunrise and sunset from the earth as a result of the earth's turbulent rotation. On the other hand, the moon but basically revolves around the earth. It takes 20 and half days to complete the moon's moon, from one moon to the next. That is, the moon orbits the earth once in 29 days. So if there was a man on the moon, he would see that the sun would go down slowly by 29 and half days.

If there were people on the moon, would it be taller than the people on earth?
Suppose, as a child is born, he is taken to the moon and raised there. Now the question is, will that baby be taller in size than the people on earth? The reason for raising such a strange question is that the gravity of the moon is far less than the energy, only about one-sixth. That is, if a person's weight is 5 kg on earth, then his weight will be 3 kg on the moon. So the question arises as the moon will not pull or attract people very loudly, so it is a matter of testing whether humans will actually be taller there. But it is important to remember that the influence of gravity forces on human height is negligible. Being tall is entirely controlled by genetic code. The growth of the knee and muscle is through the division of cells. So it is a genetic trait.

For example, the parents of tall parents are usually tall. Besides, essential nutrients and food are absolutely essential in the formation of the body. So, if there were people on the moon, they would be tall, no need to bother with the idea. And since the effect of gravitational energy is negligible, feel free to take a walk, it is better to avoid thinking about getting taller than sleeping all day.

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