How much do we know about aliens? Let’s know what aliens are?

What are aliens?

The solar system is nothing compared to the universe, just like sand. And the world is much smaller than that. Much of this space still remains unexplored. Many mysteries of the universe remain intact. In the confines of our knowledge, there may be unknown worlds that are strange. How much do we know? Needless to say, there are billions more galaxies. We just set foot on the moon, send to Mars has begun. But beyond that, almost everything is unknown to us. It is not uncommon for life to exist in the unknown world. It is not uncommon for a planet to exist without earth. And we call aliens the inhabitants of that strange planet. That is, aliens are creatures whose origin originates somewhere outside the universe. And they live there. No idea what the aliens will look like. They may be closer to the animals on earth and maybe completely different from this idea. Again, there is no doubt about the existence of aliens in the universe. However, there are more believers than aliens. What do aliens look like? Behind or ahead of us? What is their language?

The aliens have yet to be confirmed about these things. However, sufficient evidence has been found to support the idea that they do exist.
Recent survey commentary

According to a recent survey, most people believe in the existence of aliens. And they think aliens are walking among us. There are creatures of alien beings or 'aliens', and they walk among us in disguise, moving, wandering, in fact believing that at least one in every five people will meet or not.

People's beliefs have been reflected in the results of a World Reuters BCMM survey on how aliens exist, regardless of where they are. The survey was conducted on 20,000 adult people in 22 countries. It has been found that this belief is highest in India and China. About 5 percent of the people there believe that aliens are roaming around us in disguise. Of course, most people around the world do not believe in the existence of aliens. John Wright, vice president of market research firm Ipsos, said: "The results of the survey suggest that the belief in aliens may have a correlation with population growth. Because of this, the confidence among the people of the low population is relatively low.

Also, the belief in aliens is higher among men than women. Although this belief is 22 percent among men, it is 5 percent among women. And among the under-5s, the rich believe in aliens, regardless of rich and poor.

The conflict of not having:

It is still debated whether there are any other animals on the planet other than the Earth. Endless efforts are underway to find the answer to the most important question in human history, whether there is somewhere in the space. Countries in the developed world are spending billions of dollars on research projects. The American astronomer, Frank Drake, first used a radio wave to launch a project called Ojma, to connect with a civilization outside the solar system. The search is currently underway in more than 5 countries. But until now no signal from the universe has been detected. The biggest challenge is figuring out where to start and end this quest in the vast space. The Milky Way is the galaxy inhabited by our world. Except for the thousands of other galaxies, only in the galaxy in Milky Way, there are 20 thousand to 1 billion stars. Again, it may seem like a lot of madness to find a planet suitable for the life of this star. Scientists are still trying to uncover the mystery of the alien mystery. And most scientists in the world think that we are not alone in this universe. Many more intelligent creatures like us or the universe are spreading. And we are trying to understand them by the name of aliens. But the question remains, if there is such a thing, how are they? Do they eat or what? Do they have the same intelligence as us, or are they just fools like insects? However, most are of the opinion that they are more intelligent than us. Aliens are certainly far more advanced than today's civilization. If they can come here from a different planet from the beginning of our civilization, it is only possible to imagine how much they could improve in the long run. Who knows, maybe they are routinely monitored the Earth! And that is why there are some strange looking creatures that suddenly appear on Earth. They blend again in the blink of an eye. They are the inhabitants of the alien, aliens?

The concept of scientist Stephen Hawking

World renowned scientist Stephen Hawking has the idea of aliens, of course. So big universe and so many planets, galaxies, aliens are nowhere! He believes there are aliens, of course. Only we can't find them. But one day they will be found.
How aliens come to earth?

The question comes, how do aliens come to earth?

In many movies, aliens rode on huge spacecraft. There is no end to the research on these spacecraft. Some call them flying saucers or flying wheels, while others are called UFOs for unidentified flying objects. With this flying saucer, the aliens come to a distant planet from a distant planet and return to Earth. At their speed, we agree. That is, our science adheres to rates. Because of this, it has not been possible for humans to identify this rabbit in different places at different times. So it remains unknown. Again, no one can say that they are all false. There is a lot of evidence as to the cause so that the aliens can be identified as they go.

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