Some interesting and wonderful facts of the world

Strange events are happening all over the world. We know some of this and some are unknown. Something incredible like this is going to tell you the truth.

Soap Consumer:

Everyday soap is consumed in the United States by Timmyun Henderson. He needs to eat at least five daily soaps. Henderson continues to consume soap, even though he knew that playing soap could die. According to doctors, Henderson is suffering from a type of disease called pica. People suffering from this disease become accustomed to unusual foods. In addition to soap, they can eat foods such as metallic coins, chalk, batteries, and toothbrushes. Collection: Current Word Salatami

Magnet Human:

 The religion of magnets is not only to attract metal objects but magnets are attracted to the human body! Such a strange thing happened in Serbia. The country's seven-year-old child is trapped when a metal object comes in contact with Bogdan. Placing the porcelain dish, bowl, TV remote control, electronic device, metal spoon, metal knife, etc. on the "Bogdan" sticks to it. Bogdan's family members have this exceptional ability to attract objects from birth to the body of 'Bogdan'. Collection: Current Word Salamatami 20 I am sharing a link where you can see many magnets together.

Weird Guitar:
Someone will be surprised at how good the guitar is. But the truth is that this guitar has twelve necks. This guitar is made after six months of tireless work. The guitar is made in a semi-circular way to avoid the hassle of melody. The rare guitar is produced by artist Yoshihiko Sato. Collection: Current Word Salatami

Fire Man:

This is the case in Bangladesh. He is a businessman by profession. He also has a small shop. Where he sells Piazzi and oilseeds. The surprising information is that he can lend a hand in hot oil and nothing to eat. It's boyish to him. He said he started hand-in-hand with friends over hot oil. Now he has no problem.

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