What is Smarty and what are its benefits?

Smarty is a popular PHP template engine that can be used to unify the business logic layer and presentation layer of an application or website. What is Smarty and what are its benefits?

The WebPages we create with PHP usually include HTML and PHP code. However, PHP language can be used even within HTML. And so PHP is also called embedding language. Normally a webpage with a PHP code has to be saved with a .php extension so that the web server understands that this file contains the PHP code which is run by a different PHP parser.

It is very convenient to use pH and HTML on the same page. And this is one of the reasons why PHP is so popular. But in many cases, it is more than a disadvantage. How??
Suppose a project has a webpage designer that knows nothing about programming (ph) and a PHP programmer that is not as good as a designer. But both are skilled in their own field. In such a case, if the PHP code of the page (Business Logic Layer) needs to be modified or modified, then the developer will have to find the HTML code occasionally by editing the PHP code block. Then maybe the designer wants to change the appearance of the page (presentation layer). The problem is most here. Because the designer does not know the programming, he can destroy PHP code without knowing it or not. Suppose the menu bar of the previous page was on the left. But the designer wants to take it right. And if the code of this menu is created with pH, then it is never possible for the designer to understand that moving the code to the right will move the menu.

These problems can often happen in real cases. And these issues arise from the release of the Smarty Engine where designers and developers can do their work without interrupting each other's work.

Smarty: Smarty is the most popular and powerful template engine in PHP. The problems discussed through it can be solved easily and beautifully. Otherwise, the application's business logic layer (PHP code) can be easily distinguished from HTML / design (presentation logic). As a result, working through teamwork allows each member to perform his or her own tasks without interrupting others.

This is the main feature of Smarty. However, many more wonderful things can be done through it.
To give an example, suppose you want a table on your webpage that has 1, 3, 5, 7 …… the background color of the row will be the same again, and the background color of the row will be different. This is very easy to do with HTML and CSS but time-consuming. And if the table is dynamic, then there is no problem. But this work can be done in a few lines through Smarty.
Again, you want to encrypt some parts of the page while what you encrypt is dynamic (which varies for various reasons). Smarty can also be quite useful in this case. There are many other benefits like this in Smarty.
Have you ever seen various open-source applications such as PHPBB?? You may have noticed that hundreds of templates are available; however, the use of these templates does not require any modification to the main application. Just saying the name of the template is enough. This is also possible due to the use of a template engine that separates the business logic layer from the presentation layer.

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