Birds don't shock by the electricity - but why?

From the power source, the phase is loaded through it and the neutral returns to the source with it. But how does one return to the source if it does not have the neutrals in the three-phase line? The fact that animals do not shock their eggs,I do not know what electricity is before I discuss this issue later.
The main thing is that if an electron flows through the conductor then it is called electricity or electricity.

Many of us turn off the voltage and current, let's see what they are?

Why do you make yourself a coal to be established because a beautiful woman, a house, a car, says more? Otherwise, no one would study, no, especially I didn't. Anyway, for women, home, the stress of getting a car is a read. In fact, no one wants to do anything without pressure, as well as pressure, but the electrons do not want to move.
The voltage at which the electron flows from a source is called voltage, the resistance that the conductor impedes during the flow of the electron is called the resistance, and the current of the electron is called the current.

Voltage symbol V is the unit (V) volt. The symbol of the resistance R is the single ohm, the current symbol is the I (I) unit (A) ampere. And the relation between them is V = I * R (be careful not to forget the 122kg pressure that can withstand 12kg of pressure, but Fts) if 12,220 electrons are flowing per second, which is called 1 ampere.

Two types of electricity: 1. DC 2. AC.

In the case of DC, the power from which the load comes from the source end is positive (+) and the end of the source from the load is returned as negative (-).
In the case of AC, the phase from which the power comes to the load from the source is called phase (P) and the end to which the source returns from the load is called neutral (N).
We regularly combine the positive and faze one but knowing that the positive phase is positive and negative exists.

Come on now
There are three types of power
Apparent Power = V * I (voltage * current) (this is what many people call DC power).
ReActive Power (per functional power) = V * I * Sin (middle angle of V and I) (pellet power and say)
Active Power = V * I * Cos (middle angle of V and I) (this is the power we use).
Cos (middle angle of V and I) = Power factor
Power factor: The power factor is the cosine of the angle between the voltage and the current. Inductance of different electrical equipment and capacitance causes the difference between angle and current of AC source. As the inductor prevents the change of current, the current from the voltage drops back (lag). Again in the case of Capacitor, the current goes ahead if the case is reversed.
Energy is measured by power * time with a single kilowatt-hour or unit.

The main thing is that if the single phase is neutral but not three-phase then how can the power be returned to the source? Note that in Fig. 2, while two-phase positives, the other is negative, so this negative wire will act as a neutral. So Neutral goes without it.

Again, how does one enter the transformer? 3 (5 phase 3 neutral)? Notice the figures 1 and 5
The first part is the primary side delta connection, the second part is the T star or the Y connection, the common end of the star connection is neutral. The voltage between one phase to another is called line voltage and the phase voltage between a phase and neutral is called the phase voltage. And the relation between them is line voltage = 1.5 * phase voltage, that is, = 1.5 * 222. But we call a 4 or 4 or less volt K440. The interesting thing about the transformer is that it does not connect to both the primary side and the secondary side.

If your home ever fails to be neutered, it will be a work to burn it to the ground. Many of us think that Puthibi works on neutrals but that is not if you do not put the transformer's neutrals on the ground (Earthing) does not work, that is, the earth wire does not work on neutrals.

Now let's talk about house wiring - many people think of it as a phase when they see red, but if you look at the neutrals in black, be careful if you add a black wire to that phase. Test with a tester before work. A little sacrifice about the load before the house wiring is the load that the device receives electrical power and converts it to another power. When you do the correct wiring, remember to add the phase and the neutral at the two ends of the load. However, there are some devices that do not load, but there is a need to connect the phase neutral there. Such as - sockets, ceilings, connectors, etc.

Many suppose DC supply does not shock. Hopefully more shock than DC in DC. In fact, shock depends on the volt and death depends on the current flowing through you, usually 10 mill ampere (the amount of current flowing through the lead bulb) if current flows through your body. Lucky the good creator had registered about 2 mega ohms in our body otherwise no electricity would have to be used.

Many people think that the fact that all animals cannot shock their eggs, in fact, they have hair or feathers insulated on the foot, and they sit on a wire so that the current does not flow through them. What happens to the feather picking up the supply? If you hang on unity like a bird, you will not be shocked. Badger's copper is evil so he has no hair on his wings so he will see at least two of his badges.

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