Bionic technology: The hand controlled by the brain

What is bionic: The word bionic comes from the Greek words βίον and ic. The pronunciation of। is Bion which means part or whole life in life and the meaning of ic. Therefore, the full meaning of bionic words is like life. Many dictionaries mention the term bionic as the biology of biology and the nics of electronics. Bionic is found to be technologically similar in biometrics, biogenesis, biomaterials or biological creativity. Bionic technology is such that it is touched by modern technology, well-designed by engineers and which will operate in a natural way (brain or otherwise).
Bionic technology was invented by a health worker at the Scottish National Health Service (NHS), and the current director of the company, David Goo, is the inventor of the bionic arm. Livingstone's Touch Bionics has helped him with this handy design and construction.

  As a result of this hand, a handless man can move as smoothly as a healthy human hand, even with the help of a finger that can easily hold an object. Which looks like a real hand and will be controlled with the help of the brain? Experimentally, this technology has been applied to people of different classes and professions, including US soldiers who lost their organs in the Iraq war. This is the first bionic hand on the market that you can use as your healthy hand and move your fingers, said David Gow at the BBC's Good Morning Scotland event.

Bionic hand users: Donald McKillop, the first bionic hand user, has been experimenting successfully for 25 years. Donald McKillop is a retired welder worker who lost his right hand in a tragic accident thirty years ago. He then went to different places for his hands, but no one could satisfy the hope of his mind that the bionic hand. According to him, the most important aspect of this bionic hand is that with it, he is able to use all the fingers exactly as before, which is completely different from other artificial hands. Juan Arredondo of Texas is a bionic hand user who lost one of his hands in the Iraq war on the 21st. This bionic hand user said, "It's really nice that I always have a hand with which I can easily make a big cup or mug." And with my full attention, I can do any kind of small or big thing with two hands. And I can sense the power of my bionic hands and other ordinary hands, which I can control with my intellect and attention. Another user of bionic hands says that bionic hands have made daily living much easier, easier and more comfortable than other artificial hands.

How it works:

Regulatory Instruments: Each researcher team has invented very advanced and small and sensitive instruments that help the affected arm through the muscles seamlessly. A large electrode bar is firmly placed on the chest. And a coil (screwed wire) is brought over the shoulder so that wireless power can be used again. The signal is then transmitted to the brain via a computer. The brain then tells the hand to use (move). In this way, the electrodes can be conveniently placed directly into the brain and stabilized.

Energy source: Recent research has developed a hydrogen peroxide pneumatic system that will be used to replace comparatively weak, obese and slow peas. The reverse reaction of the iridium catalyst with this hydrogen peroxide helps move the hand.
Modesty: Proto-2 technology is capable of moving at least 20 pairs. At the same time, the shoulder and the wrist can be worn, everything from knitting. The fingers and finger joints can be moved and twisted apart from the elbow rotation. The bones of each finger joints are together and very lightweight, and these bones are made of a mixture of carbon fiber and aluminum.
Construction style: Super Duper The construction style of this device is very varied, wonderful and modern.

In the final stage, the bionic hand will be much more humane. For example: the sensation of the heat of the hand, the ability to understand the temperature, to put the hand on something, and so on. Writing can also be done with the help of a fully textured hand.

Stuart Med, CEO of Touch Bionic, says, "We are very pleased and pleased to be able to market, trade and research a modern and advanced technology such as Bionic Hands and do all sorts of things to improve it." He added, "We will be successful only if we can reach this bionic hand to people around the world, especially people who are really distressed and afflicted." One of the things we are always striving for is the delivery of accurate and timely services to the actual patients or victims, thereby giving the traumatized or disabled person a full and proper service. "Reaching the goal achieved through bionic hands is a really challenging task for us," he said.

In the meantime, bionic hands are being experimentally used by the University of Strathclyde for the disabled and handicapped patients. The inventor of the bionic arm, Mr. David Gove, is currently doing a new kind of research work at the State-of-the-Art Center at Asle Ennsley Hospital in Edinburgh. He is very optimistic with a bionic hand. He expects worldwide bionic hands to spread over the next two to five years.

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