What are the common skin problems?

What are the common skin problems?


One of the most common skin problems that people face is acne. It is very common and difficult to avoid. At some point in our lives, most of us would have or will suffer from acne.

What are the common skin problems? Your Health Blog

While it may be difficult to prevent, acne is hardly life threatening. With proper care, it can be controlled and treated.

Find out more about acne, blackheads and learn how to control it. There are various acne treatments and over the counter or prescription acne medicines available. Early intervention will help to prevent permanent scarring.


Cellulite is an accumulation of fats, fluids and toxins trapped in the deeper levels of the skin. It causes the skin to have an unhealthy “orange peel” like look. Not only does it affect the looks, it also causes poor blood circulation and the body is not efficient in getting rid of toxins.

Read more about cellulite, how to prevent it and how to treat it.


Eczema is a skin disorder that is common in children and adults. It results in dry, red and inflamed skin. As the skin condition worsens, it becomes more itchy, thickened, grooved, and may blister, weep and crack.

Are you suffering from eczema? Here are some tips on the treatments available. Find out how to take better care of your skin with eczema conditions.


Freckles are small brownish spots on the skin. They often turn darker or increase in number upon exposure to the sun.

While it is not life threatening, some people may be bothered by its appearance.

Here are some treatment options and natural remedies for freckles that you can consider.


Stretch marks are scars on the skin caused by excessive stretching of the skin. They are not life threatening but are ugly and can cause a lot of grief to some people.

If you are beauty conscious, read this article to find out more about how to get rid of stretch marks.


As the skin ages, fine lines and wrinkles will begin to form. So, can wrinkles be avoided? Is it inevitable? How can you prevent it? Is there anything that can be done to existing wrinkles?

Find out more about some of the essential skin care tips that will help you to beat wrinkles and maintain a youthful appearance.

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