why kids are sick at winter and cures?

Diarrhea: The incidence of diarrhea in children is very high in winter. The cause of cold diarrhea is rotavirus. If you have diarrhea, give your baby breast milk and saline frequently. Give children over 6 months of age a normal family meal. Medications are not required for the treatment of diarrhea.
But the most important thing to note is to make saline and adhere to the right rules of feeding.
Every day, children are being admitted to the hospital's baby wards or to the child's ICU for hypernatremic dehydration because of the lack of proper formulation and feeding the baby.

What is Hypernatremic Dehydration?

Hypersensitivity to children's diarrhea is caused by the frequent symptoms of saline feeding. Our parents do not understand that they are putting themselves in serious danger by saving the baby and not feeding it properly by making it saline!!
Frequent baby feeding for Orsaline, starting from kidney ache, baby's traumatic events leading up to premature death!! But with a little caution, we can all escape this terrible experience.
Only the saline will be made in a slightly correct way. Saline in half a liter of water, half a liter means half a liter (3 ml) !! If you do not get into any kind of trouble, take a water bottle of the Antilitter and swallow a whole bottle of saline packet in a bottle and then it will be properly formed in food. The mistake that we are making, we are making half a liter of saline like ourselves. Some are in the cup, some in the glass, some in the syrup of syrup, I make a little saline and feed the baby. That is being ruined!!

So let's be careful, make the saline the right way to feed the baby during the diarrhea of the baby… .. Be careful and alert others.
However, it is another matter not to say. Creating saline in such water is as damaging as making saline in excess of the prescribed size. Hypersatremic dehydration is caused by the formation of saline in excess of water. It also causes serious complications in the baby.

 1. Breastfeed only until the age of 6 months. From 6 months to 2 years of age, breast milk, as well as other normal family foods, will be eaten.
2. Keep your baby clean.
3. Serve baby food in a clean manner.
4. Vaccinate your child regularly.
5. Children over the age of two should regularly take the anti-depressant medication every 6 months.
6. Don't let your child eat chips, chocolates, juices, pickles, ice cream, etc.
7. Two-month rotavirus vaccine should be administered between the ages of one and a half months to 6 months.

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